Queens Fiber Arts Festival

The King Manor Museum hosted the Queens Fiber Arts Festival outside their museum site on October 28th. The event was free and open to the public and featured various activities for adults and children.

The festival included local schools, vendors from QFA Fest, and green energy houses promoting their businesses. Children were given the opportunity to make historically based arts and crafts such as coloring books and custom buttons. Children also had the option to read and receive free books. To remain in the fall spirit, the event involved a pumpkin patch for the little ones to pick a pumpkin.

King Manor was also joined by Brewstoria, which offered historical beer to the adults, Keiko Studios Music Academy, and Project NY.

Kelsey Brow stated why she enjoys doing events such as these. “We love having events for the community,” Brow stated. “I think it’s important for people to have creative and interactive events right in their own neighborhood.” She continued by stating that the site is the only museum in South East Queens, so it’s their responsibility to “have fun experiences and have pride in a place in their own community.”

For additional information, visit: https://www.queensfiberarts.com/

For additional information, visit: https://www.kingmanor.org