Build Your Own Junkanoo Character

King Manor Museum hosted its Build Your Own Junkanoo Character event on December 16th at the King Manor site. The event cost $5 and was open to the public.

The event explored different characters of the Jamaican Junkanoo with a bunch of performances and workshops. Attendees were able to create their own characters and costumes for their characters with ready-to-use materials such as shredded clothing. They also made props that were meant to be used on Christmas Day.

The host of the event, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, explained why it’s so important to her Jamaican roots to have events like this. “As you see there is censorship going on,” Lyn-Kee-Chow stated. “Especially with the banning of black books and with this large Afro-centric community here in New York it’s sad that this isn’t taught in schools. So it’s important to represent our culture when we can.”

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