King Manor Hands-On History: Quill Creations

The King Manor Museum hosted Hands-On History: Quill Creations, on September 16th at the King Manor Museum.

Hands-On History is a free family program series held on the first and third Saturdays of the month at King Manor from 1-4 pm. This particular Hands-On History event celebrated Constitution Day – which “honors  the U.S. Constitution delegates of the Constitutional Convention in 1787.”  The event included opportunities for children and adults to use quill and ink writing instruments with authentic feathers to replicate the aesthetic of signatures on the Constitution.

If you and your children ever want to not only have fun, but learn something new, visit King Manor. The side door on the right-hand  side of the building is where you enter for the hands-on activity.

For information on future King Manor Museum events, log onto