Senator Comrie Hosts Rain Barrel Giveaway

New York State Senator Leroy Comrie hosted a Rain Barrel Giveaway on May 25th in Roy Wilkins Park. The event was free to the public and open to all ages. The event was tied to the “Go Green” festivities at the park that day.

Here, attendees arrived by car and foot to receive a free rain barrel to take home. At the event, they had over 40 barrels to give away. The purpose of the barrels is to catch rainwater and recycle it.

Ari Inniss, Deputy Chief of Staff for Senator Leroy Comrie, spoke about the importance of the event. “You can use them for whatever you want,” Inniss stated. “You can use them to wash your car, wash dishes, water your plants, and other things while saving on your water bill!”

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