JCAL’s Ancestral Nourishment

The Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning hosted its official Artist Talk for the Ancestral Nourishment exhibit on December 16th at the JCAL theater. The event was free to the public and was appropriate for all ages.

There were a total of twenty artists showing over 60 pieces of art. Nine artists were given a chance to present and speak about their works of art.

The show is about grounding and rooting ourselves with deep ancestry and allows us to empower ourselves with brilliance in cultures we aren’t typically exposed to.

The Curator of the event at JCAL, Seema Shakti Choudhary explained what the event meant for her. “Art holds so much power in our world,” Choudhary stated. “It has ways to open up new narratives and look into different ways of seeing different perspectives and bridges divides. Especially with what’s happening in the world now.”

One of the artists at the exhibit, Garry Grant, explained the meaning of his pieces. “Part of the artwork that I have on display in this exhibit relates to the ancestors and paying tribute to them. They give a true light to history.”

For more information, log onto www.JCAL.org.